Attending All Court Appearances After a DUI Arrest in Maryland


Once your DUI case is scheduled for court proceedings, it is absolutely essential that you attend all court appearances and follow the judge’s instructions carefully. Failure to appear in court can have severe consequences and significantly damage your defense.

Consequences of Missing Court Dates:

If you miss a scheduled court date without a valid excuse or prior approval from the judge, the following consequences may occur:

Bench Warrant Issued

The judge can issue a bench warrant for your arrest, which allows law enforcement to take you into custody and bring you before the court.

Additional Charges

You may face additional criminal charges for failure to appear or contempt of court, compounding the legal troubles you’re already facing.

Revocation of Bail/Bond

If you were released on bail or bond, missing a court date could result in the revocation of your release, potentially leading to incarceration until your next hearing.

Default Judgment

In some cases, the court may issue a default judgment against you, which means you forfeit your right to present a defense, and the charges against you are upheld.

Preparing for Court Appearances

To ensure you attend all required court dates and make the best possible impression, it’s essential to take the following steps:

Keep a Calendar

Maintain a detailed calendar of all scheduled court appearances, including dates, times, and locations. Set reminders to ensure you don’t inadvertently miss a date.

Dress Appropriately

Court appearances require professional attire that demonstrates respect for the legal process. Avoid casual or inappropriate clothing choices.

Arrive Early

Plan to arrive at the courthouse well in advance of your scheduled appearance to account for security checks, finding the correct courtroom, and any potential delays.

Follow Court Decorum

While in the courtroom, follow all rules and instructions from the judge and court officers. Remain respectful, avoid disruptive behavior, and address the court formally.

Consult Your Attorney

If you have any questions or concerns about court appearances, consult with your attorney for guidance on proper protocols and expectations.


Attending all court dates is not only a legal obligation but also an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to resolving your case responsibly. By showing up prepared and following court rules, you increase your chances of a more favorable outcome and avoid compounding the legal issues you’re already facing.

Remember, a DUI charge is a serious matter, and the court will view any failure to appear as a lack of respect for the legal process. By prioritizing your court appearances and following your attorney’s advice, you can protect your rights and improve the prospects of a positive resolution to your case.

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